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Vacancy - Communications Manager UNZ

10 March 2025 | news

Communications Manager – Universities New Zealand - Te Pōkai Tara

  • Work across New Zealand’s university sector
  • Improve understanding of the value of universities in New Zealand.
  • Contribute to thinking and debate on the roles of universities and higher education nationally.

Universities New Zealand - Te Pōkai Tara is the peak body for this country’s eight universities. It coordinates work across the university sector on matters of common interest and it provides a constructive evidence-based contribution to thinking and policy shaping in Wellington. It works for the eight vice-chancellors of the eight universities.

We are looking for a proven communications professional to support our work programme.

Key functions of the role include:

  • Coordinating messaging and stakeholder positioning for the university sector
  • Monitoring media and pro-actively getting in front of issues as they arise
  • Supporting and promoting the work of UNZ committees
  • From time to time, leading or coordinating communications projects at a whole-of-university sector level
  • Working with communications staff from the eight universities to ensure the sector is well coordinated and joined up in responding to issues and opportunities
  • Writing and issuing an on-line newsletter with sector news and information six times a year
  • Maintaining the UNZ websites and social media platforms, developing strategies and content
  • Preparing media statements, speeches, Op-Eds, presentations, and other communications.

We are a small friendly office of just 15 people and this is the only dedicated communications and media role. We need someone who is good at everything and who has initiative and drive. We need someone who will have credibility with media and with communications staff across the universities, and who can develop and/or maintain effective networks across key agencies in Wellington.

Experience in the university sector or another peak body is highly desirable, but not essential.

The position description is here.

To apply please send a CV and a covering letter to

Applications close Monday 24 March.