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Working the numbers

30 November 2018 | news

How do students support themselves financially during study? How does employment during study affect academic performance?...

Latest news from Universities New Zealand | November newsletter

30 November 2018 | news

The November newsletter from Universities New Zealand is now available.

Government must play part in keeping university sector viable

29 November 2018 | news

It’s time for this Government to play its part in helping ensure that the university sector remains a viable and successful part of this country’s education and research system....

Enhancing access, opportunity for Māori and Pasifika students

29 November 2018 | news

“There’s a word in Tokelau—inati—that describes the value of sharing. I’ve seen that at the enhancement steering group. I really appreciate being part of it.”...

Rhodes scholarships awarded to future leaders

19 November 2018 | media

Three outstanding young New Zealand graduates have received prestigious Rhodes Scholarships to carry out post-graduate study at the University of Oxford, UK....

Apply now for Critic and Conscience of Society Award 2019

14 November 2018 | media

$50K to assist with research...

Collaboration between universities and industry: Is New Zealand missing out?

31 October 2018 | news

Is New Zealand missing out on the benefits of university-industry collaboration (UIC)?...

Does it do what it says on the packet?

31 October 2018 | news

How do NZ universities ensure the courses they provide meet the needs of their students and ensure they are capable and employable? ...

Latest news from Universities New Zealand: October 2018 newsletter

31 October 2018 | news

Read the October 2018 newsletter from Universities New Zealand.

New Zealand Vice-Chancellors' Committee Financial Statement 2018

31 October 2018 | publications

Click here for the New Zealand Vice-Chancellors' Committee Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2018.

VC's perspective: University study—who really needs it?

30 October 2018 | news

About this time every year, large numbers of students in their final year of school take their last round of NCEA exams and talk with friends and families as they finalise decisions about what to ...

Read the latest newsletter from Universities New Zealand

28 September 2018 | news

The latest newsletter from Universities New Zealand is now available.

Investment in university research pays off

27 September 2018 | news

Earlier this year, Universities New Zealand (UNZ) asked Deloitte Access Economics to estimate the impact on New Zealand’s economy of research and innovation in universities....

From the Chair | Staff cuts sometimes an unfortunate necessity

26 September 2018 | news

From time to time, the Vice-Chancellors of our universities have had to reduce numbers of academic and general/professional staff through redundancies and other involuntary processes....

Raising the Export Education Levy

26 September 2018 | news

Do the latest proposals to lift the rate of the Export Education Levy (EEL) equate to an admission of failure on the part of the agencies charged with assessing and ensuring the quality of...

Outstanding students gain Woolf Fisher scholarships to Cambridge

19 September 2018 | media

[From left] Gabrielle Budd, Sam Frengley, Stephanie McGimpsey Three outstanding young New Zealanders with the potential to be leaders in their field have each been awarded a Woolf Fisher Scholarsh...

The future of NCEA | UNZ's submission to the NCEA review

07 September 2018 | submissions

Universities New Zealand’s Committee on University Academic Programmes (CUAP) Subcommittee on University Entrance has made a submission to the NCEA Review. This submission reflects a desire to see...

Read our latest news (August 2018)

27 August 2018 | news

Read the August 2018 newsletter from Universities New Zealand.

From the Chair: Managerialism and the modern university

27 August 2018 | news

Professor Stuart McCutcheonThere is no doubt that modern universities have, and presumably must have, managers, because they are large and complex organisations. If there was an ‘average’...

Understanding the numbers: degree-level graduates who go on to do industry training

27 August 2018 | news

The answer is not completely clear-cut because there is currently no national database listing exactly what industry training the degree-holders completed, or what job title they were employed...

We need to talk about cheating

27 August 2018 | news

Cheating in any form harms universities, the university system, external parties such as employers who rely on the integrity of qualifications—and students themselves, who can face blackmail and...

Universities New Zealand submission to the review of Archives New Zealand, The National Library of New Zealand and Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision

17 August 2018 | submissions

Universities New Zealand has made a submission to the Ministerial Review of Archives New Zealand, The National Library of New Zealand and Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision, on behalf of all eight...

Universities New Zealand welcomes post-study rights visa announcement

08 August 2018 | media

Universities New Zealand (UNZ) welcomes today’s announcement on post-study visa rights by Immigration Minister Iain Lees-Galloway.“Providing good graduate outcomes is key to attracting the best...

AQA Board seeks new lay members

06 August 2018 | news

The Board of the Academic Quality Agency for New Zealand Universities (AQA) is seeking two lay members of the Board with expertise in quality assurance for a three-year term beginning 1 January...

Universities acknowledge funding increase, look for further investment

27 June 2018 | media

University Vice-Chancellors acknowledge the 1.6% increase in tuition subsidies announced today and hope this Government will invest further in the university sector in coming years to ensure it can...