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Research Committee

The Research Committee provides advice to Universities New Zealand on any issue related to research or research policy in universities. The committee provides a link at national level with other bodies concerned with research, such as Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, the Health Research Council and the Royal Society of New Zealand, which administers the Marsden Fund.

Further functions of the Research Committee are to develop information resources on university research, maintain an overview of university research surveys and requests for statistical information and develop links with research bodies overseas and with other research groupings within New Zealand, such as the Crown Research Institutes and their representative body, Science New Zealand.

Open Access Statement

Universities New Zealand—Te Pōkai Tara has released an Open Access Statement on behalf of New Zealand's eight universities. It acknowledges the rights of Māori and other indigenous groups to determine the appropriate avenues for their data, and sets out the determination of member universities to continue to pursue open access. 

Key UNZ contact

Bronwen Kelly, Deputy Chief Executive (Funding & Research)

Committee members:

  • Professor Dawn Freshwater (Chair), Vice-Chancellor, University of Auckland
  • Professor Frank Bloomfield, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), University of Auckland
  • Professor Mark Orams, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), AUT 
  • Professor Gary Wilson, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), University of Waikato
  • Professor Giselle Byrnes, Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Research, Academic & Enterprise), Massey University
  • Professor Margaret Hyland, Deputy Provost (Research), Victoria University of Wellington
  • Professor Lucy Johnston, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), University of Canterbury
  • Professor Chad Hewitt, Provost, Lincoln University
  • Professor Richard Blaikie, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise), University of Otago