Human Resources
The Human Resources Committee provides a forum for discussion between universities on human resources strategy, policy and practice. The committee aims to identify human resources trends and issues facing the university sector and provide relevant and pro-active advice to Universities New Zealand—Te Pōkai Tara.
Pay equity claims
Universities New Zealand—Te Pōkai Tara has produced information on pay equity claims being raised by:
- the New Zealand Tertiary Education Union Te Hautū Kahurangi O Aotearoa Incorporated (TEU)
- the New Zealand Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tangata Mahi Incorporated (PSA)
- the Tertiary Institutes Allied Staff Association Incorporated (TIASA).
These claims covered employees who work in:
- library assistance, library advice and library services; and
- clerical and administrative work.
HR Committee members:
- Andrew Phipps, Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland (Chair)
- Stephen Davies, AUT
- Rose Macfarlane, The University of Waikato
- Jill Turner, Massey University
- Kate Tibbetts, Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington
- Amanda Derry, University of Canterbury
- Karen McEwan, Lincoln University
- Kevin Seales, University of Otago