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Boosting International Academic Collaboration

17 July 2024 | news

New Zealand Universities and Ecuador’s USFQ Sign MOU to Boost International Academic Collaboration

With their shared dedication to excellence in teaching and research, Universities New Zealand -Te Pōkai Tara (UNZ) on behalf of Aotearoa New Zealand’s eight universities, and the Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ (USFQ) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to promote international academic collaboration between faculty and students.

USFQ is a Liberal Arts college located in the Ecuadorian capital of Quito. Its focus is to foster innovative, creative and entrepreneurial leaders whose skills and expertise will help inform and create a more just and unbiased society.

The signing of this Agreement follows on from a recent New Zealand delegation of university senior academics to Latin America and is an important step in strengthening and developing relationships.

Chris Whelan, Chief Executive of UNZ says, “The signing of the MOU between UNZ and the USFQ in Ecuador underscores one of the key roles of universities which is to generate cross-border collaborations and people to people links.”

With a commitment to providing mutual scientific and cultural support through the exchange of faculty and students across USFQ and New Zealand universities, the Agreement also opens the way for joint research projects and cooperation in other areas including events and symposia.