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Statement on proposed fee changes for NZ citizens studying in Australia universities

02 May 2017 | media

Universities New Zealand is disappointed by proposed changes by the Australian government that would see New Zealand citizens studying at an Australian university being charged the full-fee rate.

This would break the longstanding reciprocal arrangement between the two countries where students can study in each other’s universities at the domestic fee rate.

We oppose any move that would create a barrier to Australians and New Zealanders studying in each other’s countries. 

Currently about 4600 Australian citizens are studying in New Zealand, including 1860 in universities, and over 10,000 New Zealand citizens study in Australian universities.

A 2013 Australian report comparing student loan arrangement between the two countries noted, “in general New Zealand provides better access to Australian students than Australia does to New Zealanders. This is an ongoing issue for New Zealanders resident in Australia.”

Regardless of changes to the political environment, New Zealand universities will continue to welcome Australian students who choose to study in our eight world-ranked universities.


Chris Whelan

Executive Director, Universities NZ