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New CUAP Handbook released

22 April 2015 | news

The revised Committee on University Academic Programmes (CUAP) Handbook is now available on the Universities New Zealand website.

Wendy Robinson, Portfolio Manager – Academic Programmes at Universities New Zealand, says the Handbook has been updated and also consolidates changes made over the past few years.

The CUAP Handbook sets out the approval and accreditation procedures for the quality assurance of academic programmes at New Zealand’s eight universities.  It also assists university staff to develop acceptable new proposals.

The Handbook outlines the work of the Committee on University Academic Programmes, chaired by Hon Steve Maharey, Vice-Chancellor at Massey University, along with Deputy Chair, Emeritus Professor Dugald Scott, and representatives from all eight universities as well as students.

Under the Education Act, Universities New Zealand has a statutory responsibility for the approval and accreditation of qualifications and programmes.

Copies of the handbook will be provided to key university staff.  The Handbook will be updated as necessary and the latest version will be available on UNZ’s website.

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