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Recognition of NZ university degrees by Malaysia hugely important

21 January 2016 | media

New Zealand universities will attract more students from Malaysia following a move which means New Zealand Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees are recognised by the Malaysian public service.

Chris Whelan, Executive Director of Universities New Zealand says this is a significant move as it helps reduce barriers to employment for students returning to Malaysia after graduating.  It also assists the two-way flow of skilled graduates between our two countries.

“This has been a key constraint in attracting higher numbers of Malaysian students to New Zealand.   Today’s students are increasingly focused on employment outcomes and they need to know whether future employers may recognise their New Zealand degree.

Chris Whelan acknowledged the work of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority which has been working with the Malaysian government over the past five years. In addition to the New Zealand Bachelor’s degree, (which has been recognised since 2012), Master’s and Doctoral degrees, will now be recognised within Malaysia.

“On the face of it this may seem like an administrative detail”, says Chris Whelan. "But to put it in context, this move is very important to New Zealand’s economy.

International education is NZ’s 5th largest export market and is worth $2.85 billion a year. Universities generate 35% of NZ’s earnings from export education, earning $1 billion per annum.

New Zealand has a close and significant relationship with Malaysia including strong ties in trade, education and security. 

“Today Malaysia is an important trading market and the education industry is a key part of that. Currently 11% of New Zealand’s 132,375 university students are international students, 10% of whom are from Malaysia,” says Chris Whelan.