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Piki Ake Transition Programme

Changing the trajectory for upcoming Māori researchers

“The sustainability of the research workforce in Aotearoa New Zealand largely relies on the recruitment, retention, development and promotion of talent within the university sector. New Zealand must also retain our best and brightest and must also compete at the international level to ensure we cannot only attract the very best researchers, but also grow our own. This is particularly relevant for the development and support of Māori researchers and their capacity and capability in this country.

The Piki Ake programme seeks to address this challenge by redesigning the trajectory for Māori researchers across New Zealand’s eight universities to achieve 15% Māori representation in the university research workforce by 2030. More than simply ‘adding in’ Māori researchers to our existing structures, the programme aims to strengthen the opportunities through a ‘clustering’ methodology and think more expansively about how to remove barriers and provide opportunities, while at the same time maintaining a focus on excellence and quality.

This programme is jointly presented by all eight universities and is underpinned by a commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and excellence, on the basis that a combined approach to building and sustaining the Māori research workforce will provide benefit for all.”

You can read more about the project in our latest report - Piki Ake Report (2024)



The Piki Ake Transition Programme is a whole-of-university sector initiative designed to grow the Māori academic workforce. Aimed at Māori postgraduate students, the programme provides participants with a greater understanding of an ‘academic career’ and working within the academy. 

Through dedicated ‘Manu Taupua’ roles, the Piki Ake transition programme will provide local ongoing support for participants as they work through online modules and will facilitate a series of ā-kanohi online blended wānanga. 

UNZ have now delivered the programme to over 55 ākonga Māori from across our eight Aotearoa New Zealand universities. 

To find out more about the programme, or to register your interest visit -